How it works

That’s how easy Riskreporter is to use and how easily you prevent a lot of misery.

These days, everyone has a smartphone, which means everyone can download the free Riskreporter app. Once they have done so, everyone will be able to quickly notify others about dangerous situations on the work floor. The Riskreporter app quickly guides users through the reporting process in a step-by-step manner. Within 30 seconds, the risk is shared and many accidents can be prevented.

Start a free trial Why Riskreporter

Avoid workplace accidents: start using Riskreporter today!

First and foremost, it is people who suffer when a workplace accident occurs. The victims may be unable to return to work for weeks, months or even years. This affects their environment, their home life, their family and their colleagues at work. Tasks have to be handed off on short notice and new people may have to be recruited and trained. For the company, this human suffering also results in a financially painful situation. Extra painful because much could have been prevented!

A small investment that pays off big time

Riskreporter’s ROI calculator has done average effect calculations based on hundreds of use cases. Initially, these companies reported an average of 20 moderate to severe accidents. Following the implementation of the Riskreporter app, the number dropped to 16 in the second year, 13 in the third year, 10 in the fourth year and 8 in the fifth year. This gives an ROI of 1,874% and results in huge amounts of money saved.

Have Riskreporter perform a non-binding calculation to see how much money the app can save your company!

Make your work place safer

Every day, more than 550 workplace accidents occur in Belgium and the Netherlands together. 64% could have been prevented!

Start a free trial Why Riskreporter