Reducing the number of workplace accidents.

That is what Riskreporter does.

Besides the personal suffering of the victims, workplace accidents cost a company money. A lot of money. The costs per incident are often astronomically high. By immediately reporting risks and sharing this knowledge with others, many accidents can be avoided. The Riskreporter app manages these processes in a split second, so that the relevant risks are immediately mitigated.

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Trusted by prominent organisations in Europe

24/7 personal risk prevention on the work floor

Riskreporter combines the watchful eyes of all colleagues via an exceptionally smart app. By immediately sharing risks on the work floor with all stakeholders, the number of workplace accidents can be reduced by up to 64%.

Would you like to know more about risk management? 

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Dangers and consequences of workplace accidents

Do not underestimate the dangers and consequences of workplace accidents.

In Europe, around three million workplace accidents occur every year. Over 3,300 of these accidents have a fatal outcome. These are troubling figures. Workplace accidents affect not only the people involved, but the company and their colleagues as well, and can result in traumatic experiences.

Closer to home. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the situation isn’t much better, with around 204,000 workplace accidents* per year.  Many of these accidents are serious and there are around 90 fatal accidents every year.

* Source: Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie 2022 | FEDRIS 2022

Make your workplace safer

Every day, more than 550 workplace accidents occur in the Netherlands and Belgium. 64% could have been prevented!

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Better safe than …

By immediately reporting dangerous situations on the work floor via the Riskreporter app, a large percentage of workplace accidents can be avoided and their financial impact is drastically reduced.

Riskreporter offers the perfect preventive solution!

Riskreporter works preventively and helps to avoid a lot of misery all around.

There is a big difference between seeing risks and reporting risks: Riskreporter!

Seeing a risk

Those who spot a risk quickly relay it through the app to the central hub in Riskreporter.

Reporting the risk

Within thirty seconds, the reported risk is shared online with all stakeholders.

Eliminating the risk

Via the central hub, actions are immediately taken to eliminate the risk.

The risk has been resolved!

The initial reporter receives feedback on the measures taken and the stakeholders are notified.

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