Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most common questions regarding Riskreporter.


Riskreporter comprises two essential components: the Riskreporter app and Riskreporter online for managing reports. The app enables users to report risks and record incidents with ease and efficiency. Riskreporter online provides a platform for managing and analyzing these reports, enabling organizations to proactively respond to potential risks and implement appropriate measures. Together, these two components form a comprehensive risk management solution.

To reset your password, simply navigate to the login page. On the login screen, click on “Forgot Password.” This will initiate the password reset process.

To access the user manual, log in to Riskreporter online through your web browser. You can find the manual within the support materials section, where you’ll discover all the necessary information and instructions.

Initially, contact your Risk Manager or your organization’s administrator. They can collect and then forward the issue(s) to our support team.

Getting started

You can get your colleagues involved in reporting by creating an account for them or by having them scan a QR code from within the app. We also offer free posters to distribute the QR code throughout the organization.

How to create an account for your colleague

How to use and scan the QR code

By appointing Risk Managers, you keep the lines of communication short, you can make better adjustments and limit the number of notifications per responsible party.

How to appoint Risk Managers

The more precisely Riskreporter is tailored to your organisation, the more engagement you can generate and the easier it becomes to make notifications. Capture organizational structure easily with departments, locations or area’s.

How to Capture organizational structure with departments

Decide in advance who you want to appoint as Risk Manager for each department. One Risk Manager can be responsible for several departments. A Risk Manager is automatically notified by e-mail when a risk or incident is reported for his department. Using the ‘My’ button, a Risk Manager can quickly filter notifications for his department(s)

How to Link Riskmanagers

Riskreporter has a number of preset risk categories. As Risk Manager, you can expand these with risk categories specific to your organisation, location or industry. This is easier for the reporter and gives better insight for the Risk Manager.

How to match the risk categories to your organisation

Riskreporter App

For iPhone, it can be downloaded from the App Store. For Android, you can find it in the Google Play Store.
Don’t forget to create an account first. You need an account to use the app.

Your risk reports are directed to the online environment of the responsible Risk Manager, where they are processed and monitored.

Open the report you want to review in the app. You can now check the status and any status comments.

If your account has been created by your organization’s Risk Manager, then your account is directly linked, and you just need to log in with your email address and password. Don’t have an account yet? Scan your organization’s QR code with the Riskreporter app. You’ll find the button at the bottom of the app’s login screen.

Support & Equipment

Contact us using the contact form. We will respond within a maximum of 2 working days.

Initially, contact your Risk Manager or your organization’s administrator. They can collect and then forward the issue(s) to our support team. We will respond within 1 working day.

Contact us using the contact form. We will respond within a maximum of 2 working days.