Working together towards a safe working environment.

Having more ‘eyes’ in the organisation gives a better idea of the potential safety risks on the workplace.

You can involve your colleagues by creating an account for them or by having them scan a QR code from within the app.

Create an account

  • Log in to Riskreporter online
  • Create an account for your colleague
  • Your colleague:
    • Receives an email with link to set his password
    • Downloads the app
    • Logs into the app with his email address and chosen password
    • Can immediately send notifications and contribute to a safe working environment

Scan QR code

  • Go to Riskreporter online throught your browser
  • In the Notifications tab, go to Manage and choose Settings there
  • Download the QR code and share it with your colleagues
  • Your colleague:
    • Downloads the app
    • Scans the QR code
    • Enters his e-mail address and chooses a password
    • Can immediately send notifications and contribute to a safe working environment

All notifications from you and your colleagues are gathered in 1 overview in Riskreporter online. A colleague can only see their own notifications in their environment.