Why use Riskreporter?

Preventing risks is everyone’s responsibility. And the same goes for reporting risks!

You easily and thoughtlessly walk past them. You see the dropped cup and simply avoid the puddle of coffee on the floor. So do many of your colleagues – but Helen does not notice.  She slips, takes a nasty fall and has to stay at home to recover for a few weeks. Should you hold yourself to blame for that? Yes, because you could have done something about it.

What happened to Helen happens to thousands of people every single day. Sometimes the consequences are not too bad, but in many cases they are quite severe. Helen is happy with the flowers her colleagues sent her, but she would have been happier with a warning from those same colleagues about the slippery floor.

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Riskreporter helps to prevent the suffering of thousands of ‘Helens’ everywhere!

With the Riskreporter app, the report about the coffee spill would have immediately been sent to the right person. Action would then have been taken right away to clean the floor. The problem would have been resolved by the time Helen walked by.

Every day, more than 559 workplace accidents occur in Belgium and the Netherlands. 64% of these accidents could have been prevented!


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What our users say

Valuable risk reports

Some months ago, our prevention consultant Pedro was looking into the viability of introducing a reward programme for reporting risks. After careful discussion, we successfully implemented this idea. With the focus on team rewards, teams now earn points for valuable risk reports, which they can exchange for rewards such as a special meal for the whole team. This approach not only stimulates a healthy degree of competition between teams, but also strengthens team cohesion and underscores the importance of joint efforts when it comes to workplace safety. It is wonderful to see the positive impact this approach has had on how teams go about risk reporting. Since its introduction, the number of minor incidents has dropped significantly.
Nel, HR manager

Implement specific safety measures and focus my awareness

“With Riskreporter, I now have a more detailed overview of the risks that are present on the work floor. This allows me to implement specific safety measures and focus my awareness efforts on key areas. It also enabled me to draw up a clear report for the management team to help them better understand the severity of the situations. This information has not only resulted in a safer work environment, but it has also saved me time that I now use to train staff in the correct use of PPE and machinery.”
Tom, Safety coordinator

Leaking machines

“I recently discovered a potentially dangerous leak in one of the machines on the work floor. Normally, reporting a problem like this would take a lot of time - but not with Riskreporter. I was able to report the location and nature of the risk with just a few clicks. What really put my mind at ease was knowing that the right person would be notified right away.” “In a matter of hours, the maintenance team arrived to fix the leak. It was wonderful to see that my report was taken seriously and that appropriate action was taken quickly.”
Anna, Production employee

Riskreporter works preventatively and helps to avoid a lot of misery all around

There is a big difference between seeing risks and reporting risks: Riskreporter!

You See

Anyone who spots a risk quickly relay it through the app to the central hub in Riskreporter.

You Report

Within 30 seconds, the reported risk is shared online with all stakeholders.

You Eliminate

Via the central hub, actions are immediately taken to eliminate the risk.

You Resolved

The initial reporter receives feedback on the measures taken and the stakeholders are notified.

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